How to Add Value

My career exists and has thrived simply because I try to always find ways to add value to what I’m doing. I think of every problem as if I were a business trying to solve it. This impacts my approach to career, side jobs, hustles, and more. An entrepreneurial approach to most work problems can only improve the odds of success if tempered with an understanding of why the problem needs to be solved and how the business functions.… Read the rest

The 5 Harshest Lessons I’ve Learned Ghostwriting

I’ve worked as a freelancer for over a decade in various capacities. I hustled before it was really a thing. It wasn’t so much a desire as it was a necessity. While I’ve done many different freelance jobs, none of them have delivered so many harsh lessons as rapidly as the world of ghostwriting.

Almost every job has its skeletons in the closet, but ghostwriting feels like a boneyard by comparison.… Read the rest

Piloting a New Platform

A new platform isn’t just a way to be heard, it’s a way to represent a new voice for yourself. I don’t just write for money, I write because I love to do so. That being said, I still need money to live.

Each platform and distribution method is going to have a different audience and a different niche. Everything from the user base to the management is going to impact the profitability and success of the platform for you and in general.… Read the rest

Do Learn in Your Sleep Methods Really Work?

Like every overachiever in high school, I had always wondered if there was some way to use sleep for something productive. You spend a third of your life asleep, is there some way to get an edge from it? The idea of learning in your sleep via dreams is ancient, but how much of the real world actually bleeds over?

Pretty much everyone has a memory of “learning” something in their sleep and recalling it later.… Read the rest

Identifying and Avoiding MLMs in 2020

As the global economy continues to remain volatile, people are getting more and more desperate. This desperation translates into many different forms, good and bad, but seems to be accompanied by falling for multi-level marketing (MLM) companies. It’s definitely alluring; you get to be your own boss, set your own hours, and make money based on how well you do. To top it off, everyone you bring in contributes to your income as well.… Read the rest