Why the Digital Divide Keeps Getting Wider

The digital divide is an economic, social, and technological gap between different demographics and sectors of society. The digital divide boils down to a lack of access to modern computing in some form or another. There are many factors that contribute to the digital divide; poverty, education, and poor infrastructures are just some of them.

The digital divide is also a source of inequalities that may take the form of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, or socioeconomic status.… Read the rest

The 2022 Guide to Ambient Computing

Ambient computing is a term which describes a world where the very process of computing becomes transparent and literally ambient. More and more devices contribute to the processing of modern life and work to make it easier. Computing moves from dedicated, monolithic computing devices (such as smartphones or laptops) into virtually everything at some level.

Ambient computing hinges on the Internet of Things (IoT) which originally described a future where everything we use is connected to the internet and all of our devices, from cars to refrigerators, are connected.… Read the rest

A Review of Sony’s Extra Bass WI-XB400 Bluetooth Earbuds

I previously wrote about how much I loved my Skullcandy Ink’d earbuds, and this review wouldn’t exist if not thanks to my dog wanting to be my muse: she got my earbuds and annihilated them. They had made it just under 2 years before recycling.

That said, I’ve been exploring a bunch of different earbuds to replace them. Nothing really felt the same as that specific set (for what I like at least) until I found the Sony WI-XB400‘s.… Read the rest

Understanding Zero Trust Architecture

Zero Trust Architecture is a simple concept which boils down to: Never trust, always verify. This phrase really doesn’t have a clear source and has been passed around the security community to the point it means many things to many people. In the context of zero trust systems, this means that just because a device is on your network or something you need to work with that you shouldn’t implicitly trust it.… Read the rest

The State of 3D Printing in 2021

3D printing isn’t new, but it’s finally hitting the point it’s more mainstream than experimental. You take ingredients, a shape you want to recreate, compute thin cross-sectional slices, and use an additive printing process to deposit layers to create the object. This can range from food products to concrete, but most commonly uses plastics, resins, or foods at a consumer level.… Read the rest