Basic Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook – Yip Po-ching and Don Rimmington


Basic Chinese: A Grammar and Workbook by Yip Po-ching and Don Rimmington is one of the first serious grammar books I bought for learning Chinese. I have been rereading through it since a few people have asked me about suggested grammar books for learning Mandarin and I wanted to see if it was like I remembered. Overall, for an intermediate-beginner or higher, this book is a solid home run.… Read the rest

Bringing More to the Table with Lua (Part 2)

This is the sixth entry in my Lua Tutorial series. See here for an introduction for this series, or here for our previous entry covering using tables as arrays.

We’re going to cover using tables as hash tables which are a bit different than arrays. Hash tables or hash maps are the basis of many useful data structures. Ultimately, they end up being basically arrays on the back end with a way to map and retrieve values based on keys.… Read the rest

Bringing More to the Table with Lua (Part 1)

This is the fifth entry in my Lua Tutorial series. See here for an introduction for this series, or here for our previous entry covering loops and similar.

Tables are an integral data structure in Lua. They operate like both standard arrays and like hash tables in other languages. They have a huge number of uses and some really cool features, but for the time being, we’re just going to introduce them as a basic data structure and see a bit of what they can do.… Read the rest

Queen Victoria’s Alice in Wonderland – The Continental Historical Society

Alice Crowned


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, or more colloquially Alice in Wonderland, is a book attributed to Lewis Carroll which was the pen name for Charles Dodgson. Queen Victoria’s Alice in Wonderland looks to challenge the authorship of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and attributes it to Queen Victoria as a cryptic autobiography. This book is a complete roller coaster in the best way and the evidence presented is decently compelling, though I would argue it isn’t definitive.… Read the rest

Frequency Analysis of the Daodejing 道德经

I have been working to put together some resources which I will eventually clean up and share in conjunction with my Lua Tutorial Series in order to show what Lua can be used for, but also, to work with language analysis. Frequency analysis and similar techniques can be very useful for learning but obviously have limitations. This article will cover some of the results of an analysis on a specific editions of the Daodejing, as well as the methodology employed and the specific limitations with my approach.… Read the rest