The 6 Elements of Productivity

We live in a world governed by productivity. From your job, to your personal life, from your side hustle to your hobby, all of them demand one thing: more productivity. Every single aspect of our lives feels like it’s measured by how productive we are.

Work tasks need to be completed both on and off the clock and household chores need to be kept up with.… Read the rest

Data Munging: Reverse Engineering a Format

Data munging is the practice of taking data from one format and converting it into another format programmatically. Data munging is extremely important for working with logs and esoteric data formats. It’s a useful skill from basic systems automation to more specific fields like GIS or even financial positions.

We’re going to cover the basics of how to approach data munging, how to look at and think about the reverse engineering process, and a few examples with Lua using real data formats.… Read the rest

Lua String Operations

Let’s get into the string operations in Lua. Lua offers a wide range of functions for working with text. As we mentioned earlier, Lua is Unicode agnostic. Unicode agnostic is good enough for most things, but there are situations where this just doesn’t work, so we’ll introduce a library for working with utf8 in Lua as well. Let’s go over the basic string operations first.… Read the rest

Static Typing vs. Dynamic Typing

The decision on how to type a language affects everything about the functioning of the language. From variables to general program flow, every part of the language will be shaped around what typing a language uses. There are several different types of typing which can impact a language, but we’re going to focus on the difference between static typing and dynamic typing.… Read the rest

5 Steps to a More Creative You

Creativity is like a fountain. The problem is, for some it’s a fountain in a modern city with modern infrastructure, but for everyone else it’s the fountain in the middle of nowhere off of a well in an area where the water table is all but gone and we’re going on year 15 of a drought. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I smashed through it.… Read the rest

The 5 Stages of Building a Side Hustle

If you talk to basically anyone anymore, they go on about their job and their side hustle. We’ve reached the point that the average person goes from one job they put up with to one that they like but still have to work at. The “why” a side hustle is necessary is unfortunate, but the growth and enjoyment it can provide is one of a kind.… Read the rest