Frequency Analysis of the Daodejing 道德经

I have been working to put together some resources which I will eventually clean up and share in conjunction with my Lua Tutorial Series in order to show what Lua can be used for, but also, to work with language analysis. Frequency analysis and similar techniques can be very useful for learning but obviously have limitations. This article will cover some of the results of an analysis on a specific editions of the Daodejing, as well as the methodology employed and the specific limitations with my approach.… Read the rest

Object-Oriented Malware

I work in a security position and one thing I have heard a lot of confusion about is some of the generations of newer infections and why even newer machine learning and AI based AV solutions cannot detect some of these infections. I am not aiming to do a largely technical tear down of any of these threats as there are labs with better resources and who are more knowledgeable who can do a far better job than I could hope to at this point (there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into tearing an infection apart).… Read the rest

Using DISM and SFC to Fix Windows Issues

DISM and SFC are both tools built into modern Windows systems which can be used to fix a large number of issues. This article is only going to cover some of the basics for DISM, so keep that in mind. The features we are going to cover with DISM are only included on Windows 8 and newer. SFC has been around forever pretty much, but still remains useful for newer Windows builds because of the constant upgrades it has received.… Read the rest

Variables Are the Spice of Life

This is the third entry in my Lua Tutorial series. See here for an introduction for this series, or here for our previous entry covering “Hello World”.

We can print to the screen now and see all the fun math operators Lua has, but we really can’t do anything of use yet. We’re going to cover the basics of variables and getting user input so we can actually start doing some fun stuff with Lua.… Read the rest

Hello Lua!

This is the second entry in my Lua Tutorial series. See here for an introduction for this series, or here for our next entry covering variables.

Our first tutorial is going to address writing a basic Lua program. We’re then going to expand over some of the basic features of Lua as well. The goal is to cover using the Lua interpreter as installed, basic printing, and some basic language functions which will be of use down the line.… Read the rest