Learning to Code with Others

If you get on whatever given job search site of preference, you’re going to see any kind of coding job interspersed with terms like “rock star” or “ninja”. Aside from this being part of the quest to complete buzzword bingo, these are misguided attempts to find the “right fit” to bring an organization’s coding level up. The quickest, most efficient way to get better results at an organizational level, assuming the individuals are qualified in the first place, is to focus on making them work together.… Read the rest

The Basics of JSON and Why It Matters

JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation, and it’s the modern contender to XML for data exchange. JSON is lightweight, minifies well, and is easily parsed. JSON is built on simple, near-universal data structures and avoids the complexity of other data-interchange formats. JSON is heavily influenced by Object-Oriented Principles.

What Uses JSON?

Almost every REST API uses JSON. Most web applications use JSON.… Read the rest

Getting Classy With Lua

We’re going to talk about working with classes in Lua. I assume you’ve read the basics of Lua and about Object-Oriented Principles. We are going to gloss over some concepts (like metatables) and instead focus on getting the basics down.

To start off, Lua is not really a truly object-oriented language. Classes can be implemented in several ways and there are several libraries and extensions which add classes.… Read the rest

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Object-Oriented Principles

Object-oriented programming is by no means new, but it’s definitely not old news either. Even though functional programming and similar may be the new hotness, Object-Oriented programming (OOP) is still arguably the backbone for the majority of the industry. OOP is the natural evolution of procedural programming and turns lone functions and data structures into reusable, encapsulated objects and allows for greater abstraction.… Read the rest

Lua Tutorial – Basics

I am creating this as a quick summary of all of the content in my Lua Tutorial to date. I am creating this so that I have a better point to jump off when I resume making more content for the Lua tutorial down the line. This document will be a review of everything I have covered to try and make it easier to jump back to necessary sections down the line.… Read the rest