Lua Tutorial

Lua String Operations

Let's get into the string operations in Lua. Lua offers a wide range of functions for working with text. As…

Using JSON With Lua

We’ve worked with basic file operations and covered the basics of JSON as well. Let’s learn how to put them…

Working With Files In Lua (Basic)

So far, we've learned a lot about working with data within a program, and how to include more Lua into…

Learning to Code with Others

Learning to Code with OthersLearning to Code with Others

If you get on whatever given job search site of preference, you're going to see any kind of coding job…

The Basics of JSON and Why It Matters

JSON is short for JavaScript Object Notation, and it's the modern contender to XML for data exchange. JSON is lightweight,…

Getting Classy With Lua

We’re going to talk about working with classes in Lua. I assume you’ve read the basics of Lua and about…

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Object-Oriented Principles

Object-oriented programming is by no means new, but it’s definitely not old news either. Even though functional programming and similar…

Lua Tutorial – Basics

I am creating this as a quick summary of all of the content in my Lua Tutorial to date. I…

Lua Exercises 1

This article will be a bit shorter, but has some exercises to practice what we've covered so far as well…

Basics of Lua Functions and Recursion

Lua makes use of functions in order to extend the language and to make code a bit cleaner. This section…