How Meditation Changed My Outlook On Everything

Most days, I feel completely lost in my own head. I wake up and feel like I’m stuck in a surreal bubble spirited away from reality and thrown into some kind of Kafkaesque nightmare. I know on an intellectual level that this isn’t actually the case, but that doesn’t make it feel any less depressing.

Life feels as if I’m floating around in a torrent of chaos and noise with no sense of which way is up or down, just letting the currents of time pull me wherever I’ll end up going.… Read the rest

The Difference Between Online and Traditional Education

Online classes revolutionized education by opening classrooms up to people of all walks of life who may not have been able to afford to attend either due to cost, flexibility, or locale. Online courses have many free options which can be as useful as a traditional university course from a learning perspective. Lately though, they’ve dropped off the map and seemingly stagnated.… Read the rest

Getting Through The Dark Night Of The Soul

The “Dark Night of the Soul” is a common concept in spirituality, but it can apply to many other aspects of life as well. In our modern society, our careers, our ambitions, and our hobbies have all become as much a part of our person as spirituality has been traditionally. Most forms of spirituality have some kind of answer or at least direction which is “right”, but what is right with a career when there are many choices in front of you, each one going a completely different way and excluding progress in another way?… Read the rest

What I Learned About the Art of Translation from Doing It

I started a project to translate the Daodejing from Chinese into English a few months ago. I hadn’t been actively into translating for the better part of a decade, so I had forgotten what the hardest parts were. Trying to get back in saddle reminded me of what I had let slip.

I had forgotten the real impact and difficulty of things like word choice, code switching fatigue, weird grammar, literal versus inferential translation, preserving poetic intent, and other points like keeping track of tone, and consistency.… Read the rest

It’s Okay To Be Selfish

The word “selfish” tends to have an extremely negative connotation. When you think of selfishness, you probably think of wanton indulgence at the expense of others, but that isn’t quite the whole picture. This isn’t to say it hasn’t earned its badge for most of its usage, but sometimes, you have to put yourself first.

Reframing What It Means To Be Selfish

Someone who takes and takes, and takes without ever giving back is selfish.… Read the rest

Hack Your Learning: Make Your Studying More Efficient

One of the biggest breakthroughs I made in school was learning how to learn more efficiently. Many of my classmates would spend hours at a time sitting in the library or across campus staring at the same textbook and going through the same notes over and over. In the beginning I felt I was just being lazy or maybe I had ADHD or something because no matter how I tried, I couldn’t do it.… Read the rest